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Hi-fi full range speaker, 35 W, 8 Ω One-piece rubber gasket Very good linearity High efficiency For PA systems of special sound requirements or in large column speakers HOBBY HiFi 01/2012"The SPH-200X impresses with an excellent sound quality."
Bass speaker, 100 W, 8 Ω With drilled pole core Great linear excursion for powerful bass reproductions
Bass speaker, 100 W, 8 Ω With drilled pole core Robust paper cone for bass reproduction of high power rating
Hi-fi bass-midrange speakers, 30 W, 8 Ω (/8) and 4 Ω (/4) Drilled pole core Good frequency response linearity For small speaker systems in the hi-fi range
Hi-fi bass-midrange speakers, 30 W, 8 Ω (/8) and 4 Ω (/4) Drilled pole core Good frequency response linearity For small speaker systems in the hi-fi range
Universal bass speaker, 35 W, 8 Ω Soft suspension For general bass applications
Hi-fi bass-midrange speaker, 50 W, 8 Ω Extra strong drive and high power capability For general hi-fi applications of high requirements Very well-suited for bass-reflex and band-pass cabinets up to horn speaker designs
Hi-fi bass-midrange speaker, 150 W, 8 Ω For high-quality 2-way or 3-way speaker systems As a replacement speaker for older high-quality speaker systems
Hi-fi bass speaker, 60 W, 8 Ω Multi-purpose speaker of high power capability Voice coil of high power capability Long-term stable rubber surround Powerful bass reproduction of high efficiency
Hi-fi bass speaker, 100 W, 8 Ω Multi-purpose speaker of high power capability 8-hole screw connection Long-term stable rubber surround Powerful bass reproduction from medium-sized bass-reflex cabinets
Hi-fi bass-midrange speaker, 2 x 40 W, 2 x 8 Ω Dual voice coil Polypropylene cone with a good midrange attenuation Suitable for both very small subwoofers and high-performance 2-way speaker systems
Top hi-fi bass-midrange speaker, 100 W, 8 Ω Kevlar cone Aluminium diecast basket for 3-way and 2-way combinations of highest quality For full range applications Excellent bass reproduction in the entire hi-fi range
Hi-fi bass speaker and subwoofer, 2 x 100 W, 2 x 8 Ω Stabilised polypropylene cone Dual voice coil Perfect parameters for a very deep bass reproduction in small bass-reflex cabinets and band-pass cabinets For any bass application in hi-fi, home cinema and car hi-fi systems and for 3-way combinations
Miniature hi-fi bass-midrange speaker, 15 W, 8 Ω Polypropylene cone Rubber surround Drilled pole core for an exceptionally high power capability For very small speaker systems, e.g. surround speakers
Hi-fi subwoofer, 2 x 120 W, 2 x 8 Ω Stabilised polypropylene cone Dual voice coil Perfect parameters for a deep bass reproduction in compact bass-reflex cabinets and band-pass cabinets For any hi-fi, home cinema and car hi-fi application of high requirements
Universal bass-midrange speaker, 50 W, 8 ΩFor bass-midrange applications, also in power speaker systems.