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Vejrbestandige højttalere til fast montering på fx terrassen
High performance outdoor speakers with outstanding sound quality and weatherproofing. The simple design allows them to be installed in many types of locations.
High performance outdoor speakers with outstanding sound quality and weatherproofing. The simple design allows them to be installed in many types of locations.
High performance outdoor speakers with outstanding sound quality and weatherproofing. The simple design allows them to be installed in many types of locations.
High performance outdoor speaker with outstanding sound quality and weatherproofing. The simple design allows them to be installed in many types of locations.
Størrelse højttaler 6,5" (17 cm) Impedans (ohm) 4 Ω Maks. indgangseffekt (watt) 250 W Nominel indgangseffekt (watt) 100 W Woofermateriale IMPP-komposit Dimensioner Ø 230 x 433 mm Vægt (kg) 10 Farve Hvid
Engineered to withstand extreme differences in humidity and temperature, the ES20 outdoor speakers are a perfect choice for your garden, patio or rooftop.
Engineered to withstand extreme differences in humidity and temperature, the ES30 outdoor speakers are a perfect choice for your garden, patio, or rooftop.
Yamaha DXR10 mkII er en kompakt, aktiv højttaler med et maksimalt lydtryk på 132 dB. Den er ideel til lette, transportable PA-/SR-systemer. *Husk at vi her i butikken er eksperter i installationer, så når du kommer ind i butikken, kan vi rådgive dig til den bedste løsning for dig - og hjælpe dig med at komme i gang med dit nye udstyr. CC Proshop er en...