Optical digital cables

Optical digital cables

Der er 2 varer.
Viser 1 - 2 af 2 varer
  • Toslink audio cable - 2 m

    3 STAR DTOS 4M 0200TOSLINK is a standardized optical fibre connection system. Toslink optical cable is a fibre optical cable that carries digital audio data in the form of light pulses, rather then using electricity. Using these light pulses has the advantage that you can eliminate some of the distortions caused by imperfections of inductance, capacitance...

    69,00 kr
  • Toslink audio cable - 1 m

    3 STAR DTOS 4M 0100 TOSLINK is a standardized optical fibre connection system. Toslink optical cable is a fibre optical cable that carries digital audio data in the form of light pulses, rather then using electricity. Using these light pulses has the advantage that you can eliminate some of the distortions caused by imperfections of inductance,...

    49,00 kr

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