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Smal model, vejrbestandig udgave PA søjlehøjttalere, i aluminiumskabinetter. Vejrbestandige 100 V line-teknologi 2-vejs version (med ekstra indbyggede tweeters, som giver en klart bedre lyd) Tilslutningskabel med 5-trins tapsætning 2 x M6 gevindbøsning Frontgitter i aluminium Monteringsbeslag medfølger
Weatherproof PA column speakers, with a top-quality sound. Weatherproof and hose-proof, extruded aluminium cabinet 100 V line technique 2-way version (with additional integrated tweeter for a clearly improved sound) Integrated crossover network Aluminium front grille Supplied with a robust tiltable and movable aluminium wall bracket Connection via cable...
Weatherproof PA column speakers, with a top-quality sound. Weatherproof and hose-proof, extruded aluminium cabinet 100 V line technique 2-way version (with additional integrated tweeter for a clearly improved sound) Integrated crossover network Aluminium front grille Supplied with a robust tiltable and movable aluminium wall bracket Connection via cable...
Weatherproof PA column speakers, with a top-quality sound. Weatherproof and hose-proof, extruded aluminium cabinet 100 V line technique 2-way version (with additional integrated tweeter for a clearly improved sound) Integrated crossover network Aluminium front grille Supplied with a robust tiltable and movable aluminium wall bracket Connection via cable...
Weatherproof PA column speaker, with EN 54-24 certification. 100 V line technique 8 x 7.7 cm (3") waterproof full range speaker 4 power taps: 50/30/15/7.5 W Connection via ceramic terminals with thermal fuse in the cabinet 2 x PG9 cable gland Robust, plastic-coated aluminium cabinet with front protective grille The speaker complies with British Standard...
Weatherproof PA column speaker, with EN 54-24 certification. 100 V line technique 6 x 7.7 cm (3") waterproof full range speaker 3 power taps: 30/15/7.5 W Connection via ceramic terminals with thermal fuse in the cabinet 2 x PG9 cable gland Robust, plastic-coated aluminium cabinet with front protective grille The speaker complies with British Standard BS...
Weatherproof PA column speaker, with EN 54-24 certification. 100 V line technique 4 x 7.7 cm (3") waterproof full range speaker 4 power taps: 20/15/10/5 W Connection via ceramic terminals with thermal fuse in the cabinet 2 x PG9 cable gland Robust, plastic-coated aluminium cabinet with front protective grille The speaker complies with British Standard...
Weatherproof PA column speaker, with EN 54-24 certification. 100 V line technique 2 x 7.7 cm (3") waterproof full range speaker 4 power taps: 10/6/3/1.5 W Connection via ceramic terminals with thermal fuse in the cabinet 2 x PG9 cable gland Robust, plastic-coated aluminium cabinet with front protective grille The speaker complies with British Standard...